Amazing Audio at Home teaches how to achieve professional quality sounds using your home studio, with simple and affordable gear.

You can sound amazing, without an expensive education or lots of equipment!

You just need to learn from the right people:

the experienced working music pros who do this every day.

Join now

Before you spend money

on pro audio school-wait!

 Now, don't get me wrong: there are certainly some amazing schools out there that provide a strong technical education in audio production.

The problem is, the high quality programs are often very expensive.

Sometimes, as much as  $20,000+ per semester.

And unfortunately, the curriculum at many audio trade schools is designed to prepare you for jobs that simply don't exist in the same way as they might have 20 years ago.

It's extremely rare to find any salaried job working in the audio field nowadays, much less one that pays a living wage.

The percentage of students who ever pay back the cost of their audio trade school education through actually working in the music industry is vanishingly small.


That makes the high cost of these programs really hard to justify.

I built this course so that independent artists working from home could get the same high-quality information that a professional audio program offers, but at a fraction of the price of even a community college music education.

How would I know how to do this?


Because I'm an experienced career musician and educator who actually teaches inside professional academic programs every day!

Meet your instructor:

Greg Lloyd, M.M.

I'm Greg, and I’ve been a working professional performing musician for nearly 20 years.  I have graduate level musical training, with music performance degrees in trumpet from Boston University (B.M. 2007) and the University of North Carolina (M.M. 2009).
I’ve been fortunate to enjoy a widely varied musical performance career:
My credits include performing with world-class symphony orchestras like the London Philharmonic and Phoenix Symphony, indie rock bands, jazz groups, professional studio session work, classical chamber music, and everything in between.
In addition to my performance projects, I also work in the audio engineering field as a mastering specialist, and own/operate my own mastering studio.
As an educator, I’m currently a music faculty member at the collegiate level, with over two decades of experience teaching musicians of all levels and backgrounds.
Over the course of my college teaching career, I've designed and developed several accredited university-level online music courses, from the ground up.


I'm excited to bring my depth of artistic experience to this course, and to your creative work!

Who's this course for?

Amazing audio is for everybody!  The fundamental skills taught here apply across a wide variety of different creative situations.

 When you learn the proper fundamentals and apply the techniques I teach, you'll be amazed at how far you can take your work using only a laptop and some very straightforward equipment. 

 This course focuses on practical, approachable applications of professional studio techniques.  Our purpose here is to achieve professional quality sounds, using gear that's accessible to most people. 

 $100,000 recording consoles, overpriced digital plugin bundles, and expensive microphones are not required!


I show techniques and concepts using several different commonly available and affordable audio programs, including Apple's GarageBand, Logic Pro, and Ableton Live.  That's unusual!

Many audio courses, especially those taught by the big-shot producers, teach inside of super high-end, multimillion-dollar recording facilities, working on ridiculously expensive gear.


Unfortunately, that type of instruction isn’t very helpful or relevant, if you don’t have access to that same equipment, or the same major-label recording budgets that those famous producers have.

That’s why I teach my course using more affordable, accessible, and realistic gear.  Because it’s not really about the equipment.


It’s about the fundamental skills.


Once you have those skills, you can make great work anywhere.

Let's take your  creative work  to the next level.

Here's what's inside

Amazing Audio at Home

Video previews of the course content (including tips on GarageBand, audio for YouTube, working with acoustic guitar, and podcast editing) are available at the course highlight page.

MODULE 1: Introduction

Discover the complete process of how professional audio is produced, and how to apply these techniques across a wide variety of different types of creative projects.

MODULE 2: Project Setup

Learn the basics of using Digital Audio Workstation software, and how to set your audio project up on a solid foundation for creativity.

MODULE 3: Equalization

Discover audio production techniques for achieving clarity and depth of sound in your creative work.

MODULE 4: Compression

Learn how to add interest, character, punch, and listenability to your audio by using affordable studio compression tools.

MODULE 5: Finishing touches

Use creative effects to polish up and add additional interest and life to your work, before preparing it for distribution across a wide variety of media.

Work with me inside the studio, personally.

 Throughout the course, I lead you step-by-step through a complete audio post-production project from start to finish.


I also provide the very same production-level audio files that I'm demonstrating on, for you to work with.


I highly recommend getting hands-on and making your own creative decisions during our time together!

 Most courses charge you more for personal access.  I don't.

 You'll have regular access to me for questions the whole time!

What's inside each module

This is not a subscription!

You get this entire program for a simple, one-time payment.
Buy it once, and it's yours forever.
Get ready to make the best sounding creative work of your life!



  • Immediate access to all course material
  • Personal access to me for questions throughout the course
  • A complete course database including additional resources & downloadables
  • Buy this material once, and it's yours forever.  All future updates are included in the one-time purchase price.
  •  Simple pricing with no risk to you: enjoy my 30-day money-back guarantee!



Buy the course, check out all the material, and if you're not completely satisfied contact me within the first 30 days for a full refund.


No questions asked.


That's how confident I am that this program will help you make your very best creative work.